ACCS Is Now Using Class Dojo
Azalea City Christian School has joined Class Dojo! We are implementing this application in an effort to create a better communication system for parents and teachers. This application also allows for more privacy than Facebook, so pictures and videos of your child can be sent through a private forum, while also giving you the peace of mind knowing the community is small and cannot be shared outside of the Dojo classroom.
Class Dojo can act as a private messaging system as well, allowing you to speak to both administration and teachers at anytime. We ask that all communication with your child’s teacher is done through the app rather than calling/texting their personal phones. When contacting teachers it is important to note that once they clock out for the day, they may not respond so if you message after hours it may be the next until they get back to you.
We are hoping that this forum will help eliminate excessive reports that have gone home in the past. Instead of receiving a paper notice in your child’s folder each day, you will receive a private message and the school will maintain a journal for our records. Class Dojo will also be used as a way to get school wide notices, such as Weather Day Closers, school closing reminders, and even the school calendars, to parents.
We believe this is going to be an amazing change for ACCS. If you have not done so we ask that Class Dojo is downloaded as soon as possible. Please click the Class Dojo logo at the top of the page for a download link! If you do not have an invitation code please email,, or call, 251-649-5437, to receive one.